Update: Life on Buena Vista

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We have turned the corner into a new year.  I'll be honest, 2017 has started off a stressful and emotional year, for so many reasons  (I hope you are all hanging in there and supporting one another with kindness).  For many of us, 2016 brought about numerous changes and ended with quite the kick in the gut; the aftershock and recovery time could take a while.  The most important thing to keep in mind during this recovery is to be patient with yourself and practice self care daily.  

We all deal with stress in different ways; myself, I've become extremely unproductive and completely slacked on keeping in touch on the blog (I'm sorry).  I've eaten my way through every fast food chain in this small town and lazed about on the couch every chance I could find this past month.  Lethargic and riddled with terrible skin, I'm feeling ready (if not only out of desperate need) to drag myself into the light of true productivity.  It is time to really start practicing better self care to help motivate myself to faster recovery.  Organization makes me feel whole, and like I have a better grip on my life (Virgo in the house), so I have finally, slowly started piecing together the crafting studio.  I've made some workable space to begin a little sewing project; custom making two large Raggedy Ann dolls, and it feels so great to get back into it.  I am also making sure to fit in at least fifteen to thirty minutes of yoga each day to help recenter myself (and walk less like a ninety year old), and most importantly NO FAST FOOD.  

Part of my personal self care, has been giving myself some slack on the home renovation.  We have learned to live with the door to the utility closet sitting on the back porch, and to live without kitchen cabinets or bathroom baseboards or quarter round throughout the house.  We aren't putting too much pressure on ourselves to get any of these projects done (and by we, I definitely mean me, because Adam is way more relaxed about these things).  Organization and decoration throughout the house is happening organically at our own snails pace and the rest will be finished...eventually.  No rush, no stress.  Our floors are done (and beautiful, by the way, exactly how we dreamed) and we have most furniture moved in and that is good enough for now (better photos coming soon).  We are giving ourselves the much needed time to just live life in a home, not a construction zone.  

I don't make new year's resolutions, but I do like to set intentions and have reasonable, achievable goals in mind.  For 2017, I plan to be kind to others and spread love as far as I can reach.  I plan to work hard, but not to overbook myself or put too much pressure on myself.  My big goals are still there, in the near future, and I intend to work toward them, but know that I will reach them in my own time by following my own path and always remembering to take some time to relax and recharge.  I hope you all do the same.  It is going to be a bumpy road, be good to yourselves, and let me know what your intentions are for the year.  What are some things you do to motivate yourself, clear your mind, and de-stress?  Things you do only for you.

ps.  To all my ladies out there marching today, lots of love and respect to you.  I wish I could be by your side today.  Stay safe and spread the love!

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